Home - Stop Drowning Now


Educate to Eliminate

We are the resource for people working to eliminate drowning in their community. 

Every day, approximately 10 people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children age 14 or younger. But we see a future in which no one drowns.

of drownings occur with at LEAST one adult present
people will die as a RESULT of drowning this year
cause of accidental DEATH for children ages 1-4 years old
# 20
children have been REACHED so far by SDN educational programs

Discover our new

Educator Platform

Teaching water safety in the classroom just got easier. Our comprehensive, progressive curriculum suite serves every school’s needs. The Curriculum is fun and engaging. Through songs, games, stories and other hands-on, age-appropriate activities, children fully engage the mind and body. Educators can choose which activities work well for their students as well as track success rates and student engagement.

Stop Drowning Now’s Water Safety Curriculum teaches kids how to recognize drowning risks and to protect themselves and others. The Curriculum is specifically designed for young kids’ learning needs. Through an experiential approach, kids participate in the discovery and identification process, and learn preventative measures as well as emergency responses.

Together we can educate to eliminate drowning.


Full Curriculum

Downloadable Activities

Dedicated Support

A Life Saving Platform