Life Vests: A Fashion Statement That Can Save Lives

It was a July 4th 31st birthday celebration for an accomplished young woman, a former Vanderbilt track star and attorney. She and several friends and family members, including her sister, a teacher, rented a pontoon boat for her birthday party. Without warning, the boat started to take on water after being hit by a strong wave. It tipped, and the woman celebrating her birthday and her sister fell from the boat and drowned. Neither was wearing a life vest. 

In just a matter of minutes, a special day turned tragic, and now, loved ones are left shocked and grieving.

Sadly, it’s not an isolated incident. The news is full of similar stories. A man in North Carolina jumped off a boat to retrieve a fallen item and never resurfaced. Authorities were not sure if the man was wearing a life jacket. Another drowning victim in North Carolina fell off a boat into a pond while fishing. 

These deaths were preventable if only the victims had worn life vests. In 2020, the Coast Guard counted 5,265 boating accidents that involved 767 deaths and 3,191 injuries. Where the cause of death was known, 75 percent of fatal boating accident victims drowned. Of those drowning victims with reported life jacket usage, 86 percent were not wearing a life jacket.

It Can Happen to Anyone

Even if you’re a strong swimmer, not wearing a life vest can mean the difference between life and death. Events can happen quickly and unexpectedly, and boaters might not have time to grab their life jacket before finding themselves in the water. On the other hand, maybe you removed your life jacket because you were too warm, or perhaps you felt it was too cumbersome. So while a life jacket may not be the trendiest fashion statement, it’s a fashion accessory that you shouldn’t forgo.

Several models of light and comfortable inflatable belt-pack or over-the-shoulder life jackets can be worn while fishing or enjoying time on a boat. 

Life Jackets Save Lives!

But, it needs to be the right life jacket. For example, life jackets are made according to a person’s size and weight. There are also men’s and women’s life jackets and specialized life jackets for various sports (wakeboarding, skiing, kayaking, etc.). So, if you’re a 110-pound female wakeboarder, an all-purpose men’s XL life jacket will not be a good fit for you.

Misunderstandings, Misconceptions, and Myths About Life Jackets

If you’re a large person, you need the largest-sized life vest.

Adult life jackets are sized by chest circumference, not by body weight.

The US Coast Guard sets the standards for all USCG-approved life jackets. The minimum flotation for the most common recreational type, Type III is 15.5 pounds.

The Coast Guard has determined that most adults need an additional 7 to 12 pounds of flotation to keep their heads above water. Muscle tissue is less buoyant than fatty tissue. Of course, if you’re an ultra-fit athlete with a low body mass index (BMI), you may not need all that additional flotation. Still, most realistically, most people probably need that extra flotation. 

It’s best to buy a life jacket kids can grow into

This is a common misconception that can be very dangerous. If a life jacket is not a snug fit, a child can slip out of it, or the jacket can ride up, making it difficult for them to keep their head above water.

To check for a proper fit for a child’s life vest, cinch up the adjustment straps, starting from the bottom. Then, lift on the shoulder straps. If the jacket stays in place, it’s a good fit. However, if the jacket rides up and the front comes up to the chin or higher, it’s a dangerous fit. If it still rides up after you’ve tightened the straps and repeated the lifting test, you’ve got the wrong jacket or size.

Youth-size life jackets are designed to fit young people weighing 50 to 90 pounds, and child-size jackets are designed to fit a child weighing 30 to 50 pounds. Getting a life jacket that fits your young person properly is essential.

You can try leg straps if you can’t find a jacket that doesn’t ride up. Some jackets come with leg straps. If the jacket doesn’t come with them, you can usually secure them to the lower side adjustment straps.

As children grow, they need larger clothing. The same is true with life jackets. To keep your child in a good-fitting, safe life jacket as they grow, you will probably have to buy them 2 to 4 different jackets. It’s inexpensive insurance; don’t skimp on their safety.

How To Shop for a Life Jacket

Purchasing a life jacket online is NOT recommended unless you’re already very familiar with the life jacket brand and how it fits. If you want to buy a life jacket online, go to a local store and try on the life jackets beforehand. 

What to look for when choosing a life jacket:

Stamp of Approval

The life jacket must be United States Coast Guard (USCG) approved. Look for the USCG stamp on the inside of the life jacket. It’s usually near the sizing and other valuable information.


Make sure the life jacket is the correct size. The life jacket will ride up around your face if it’s too big. If it’s too small, it will not be able to keep your body afloat. Make sure it has a snug fit but allows you to move freely. Make sure there is no excess room above the arm openings.


A life vest must be in good and serviceable condition to work properly. So before you put on a life jacket, make sure it isn’t ripped, torn, or waterlogged. 


The vest-type is the best type of life jacket for recreational boating. These jackets are “ready to use.” They can turn a person who falls into the water face-up to breathe without the person taking any actions to float. Vest-type jackets are the best choice for calm inland waters, where fast rescue is likely. Choose an offshore life jacket that is more buoyant for rough or more remote waters.

Wear It!

A great fitting USCG-approved life jacket in excellent condition only works if you wear it! Each person on a boat must have a life jacket and wear it.

Take precautions to ensure your day on the water is fun and safe! The Stop Drowning Now Water Safety Challenge is a program that communities can host that includes hands-on training on fitting and the proper way to use a life jacket as part of its water competency training. 

Drowning is preventable, and wearing life jackets on and near the water is one of the best ways to be safe. Learn more with a free water safety presentation. Together we can save lives!

Swimming Lessons Promote Safety, Confidence, and Strength (And They’re Not Just for Kids)

We don’t like to think about people drowning. The topic is uncomfortable, but it’s essential to discuss. It takes a few inches of water and a couple of minutes for a child to lose consciousness. No matter how well prepared you may think you are, it can happen to anyone.

Drowning does not just happen in the summer; it can occur year-round. We cannot survive in water unless we are taught how to swim. Therefore, all adults and children should learn to swim.

And drowning doesn’t discriminate. Anyone at any age is susceptible to drowning. Although it’s not a magic solution, swimming lessons provide a layer of protection against drowning. While swimming lessons won’t magically shield children from drowning, they can reduce the risk of drowning among children one to four years of age by 88 percent.

When and Where to Start Swimming Lessons

Evidence now reveals that many children older than one year of age will benefit from swim lessons. Speak with your pediatrician before considering any children’s water safety/swimming lessons and determine if your child is developmentally ready for swim lessons. Swimming lessons are not recommended for children under one because they’re not developmentally able to learn breathing techniques. 

Several organizations, such as the American Red Cross, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, and municipal and neighborhood pools, offer low-cost lessons, financial assistance, and even free swimming lessons.

Selecting a Program 

There are several things to look for to choose the best program. First, it’s a good idea to observe classes before enrolling. Here are some things to consider when selecting a program:

Instructor Training

It may sound obvious—but it’s not always the case that the instructors are trained. Ask how teachers are trained and evaluated and whether it’s under an agency’s guidelines, such as the Red Cross or the YMCA.

Instructor CPR Training

Find out if the instructor is certified in CPR (some are not) and if their certification is current.

Student/Teacher Ratio

Preferably, especially for young children and new swimmers, the ratio should be as low as possible. The teacher should be able to have all children within arm’s reach and be able to watch the whole group. There should never be more students than the teacher can safely supervise.

Viewing Accessibility

If you’re a parent, you should have the opportunity to see what is going on in the class. Of course, being on-site the entire time isn’t helpful and can be a distraction, but you should always be welcome to watch a portion of the lesson.

Water Safety Education 

Ensure swim instruction includes water safety and survival education at the appropriate developmental level. Knowing how to get out of the water if you or your child end up in the water unexpectedly is critically important, especially for young children.

Curriculum and Progression

Swimming lessons usually progress from getting used to the water to becoming proficient at different strokes. Ask instructors about their plan to assess progress and what determines whether a student moves forward.

Additional Benefits of Learning To Swim

Knowing how to swim is an excellent defense against drowning, but there are many added benefits, including life skills that aren’t limited to the water. So, whether you’re a child or an adult, it’s never too late to learn how to swim.

Swimming Is Good for Physical Health 

Swimming has tremendous physical benefits, including a full-body cardiovascular and respiratory workout. In addition, swimming helps develop stamina, flexibility, and muscle strength. Swimming burns calories (anywhere from 500-650 calories per hour), and because it’s low impact, it’s a great full-body workout.

Swimming Has a Positive Impact on Mental Health

Swimming engages almost all of the senses: sight, sound, touch, and smell. It is one of the rare distractions from technology, and the “screenless” atmosphere alleviates stress and encourages relaxation and creativity. Also, the feeling of water moving over our body creates a massage-like sensation, helping us release pent-up tension and be more mindful of our surroundings.Research shows that even simply having contact with water can induce a flood of neurochemicals that make us happier, healthier, and less stressed. Another study showed that merely immersing yourself in water increases blood flow to the brain. The result is improved general memory, mood, concentration, and cognitive function.

Don’t let fear prevent you or your child from learning how to swim. Many people share that anxiety. While you don’t want to force a child to do something they are terrified of doing, learning to swim can deliver life-long benefits, help you and your child stay safe, and have a lot of fun!

Without question, adult supervision is the number one way to prevent children from drowning. However, knowing how to swim and understanding water safety can play an important role. Together, we can end drowning and save lives and heartache! Take our Water Safety Challenge to measure your family’s water safety competence and help us provide water safety outreach to schools and community groups to keep kids safe.

Would You Recognize the Signs of Drowning and Know How To Rescue Someone?

If you spend any time around water, there are two big questions you should be able to answer. If you’re like most people, you may think you know the answers to those questions, but there’s a good possibility that you may not have the complete picture. 

Would You Be Able To Tell if Someone Was Drowning? 

Most people wouldn’t because drowning doesn’t always look like we think it will. Drowning can look like nothing you’d notice, hear, or even expect. In most cases, it’s silent. Drowning isn’t just limited to children or inexperienced swimmers either. Be on the lookout for subtle signs:

● A person motionless or face down in the water

● A person swimming upright but not making any forward progress

● A lowered head or a head tilted way back or with hair covering their eyes or face

● A look of fear or doom in a person’s eyes

● A person who jumps or dives into the water but doesn’t come up quickly

Would You Know What To Do If Someone Was Drowning?

If you’re like most people, your first instinct might be to jump in to try to save the person in distress. Although your heart would be in the right place, jumping in after someone isn’t recommended. It’s the least effective way to save a person and can quickly put you in danger.

5 Ways You Can Help in a Drowning Situation

  1. Throw, Don’t Go 

The safest way to help someone drowning is to throw a lifesaving device, towel, rope, or a pool noodle at the person in the water, wait until they grab hold and then tow the person to safety. Panic can cause a person to obstruct someone from being able to swim or stay above the water. The panicked drowning victim can grab hold of anything they can grab hold of, including the person trying to save them (and pull them down). 

  1. Call for Help

Alert people around you that someone is drowning before taking action to try to save the victim. If something goes wrong, it is vitally important that other people know you may need assistance with the rescue.

  1. Approach the Drowning Person from Behind

If you need to enter the water to save someone from drowning, it is best to approach them from behind to lessen the likelihood that they’ll grab on to you and pull you under the water.

  1. Wear a Life Jacket 

If you are attempting to rescue a drowning victim in an open body of water like a river or lake, put on a US Coast Guard-approved life jacket before you enter the water. It may seem like an extra step when all you want is to help the drowning person, but it could save your and the victim’s lives. In addition, it’s the best way to deal with unknown water conditions, such as currents or an underwater log. If possible, also try to secure yourself to your boat or the shore with a rope.

  1. Learn CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)

Learn first aid and CPR. CPR saves millions of lives; if you do not know CPR techniques, you can inquire at the Red Cross, hospitals, and local fire departments that offer CPR training.

It’s also a great idea to look for life-ring stations installed near bodies of open water. Each station contains a plastic life-preserver attached to a rope. A bystander can open the life ring station, break the glass protecting the ring, and throw it to the victim to keep them afloat or pull them to shore. As soon as the glass breaks, an alarm goes off to alert anyone in the area to the emergency. Check with your town or fire department to see if life ring stations are installed near your favorite spot.

People always think a drowning accident couldn’t happen to them, yet it can. So don’t be haunted by “If only I’d known what to look for” or “If only I’d known what to do.” Instead, follow the guidelines to know the best way to react in a drowning situation.

Together, we can end drowning and save lives and heartache! Take our Water Safety Challenge to measure your family’s water safety competence and help us provide water safety outreach to schools and community groups to keep kids safe.